  • Tsipourito
  • Tsipourito
Tsipourito点评(1 条)





  • Tsipourito and I'm so glad that nothing has cha...
    2016-02-02 00:00来自携程 网友
    This is the second review that I'm writing for Tsipourito and I'm so glad that nothing has changed since I wrote the first one. They still manage to create the perfect meze by using fresh ingredien...
    This is the second review that I'm writing for Tsipourito and I'm so glad that nothing has changed since I wrote the first one. They still manage to create the perfect meze by using fresh ingredients, playing with traditional recipes, adding alcohol to dips and sauces, and cooking food that you talk about it days after you've eaten it. I will not bore you with the details of what I ate at my recent meal there because they were on the process of changing the menu. They do that often, which means that you will never get bored eating at Tsipourito, even if you do it once in a month. There will always be something new, domething different, something to make you say "now how did they think of that"! I can assure you that whatever you choose to eat will be delicious and made with love, care and ingredients of very good quality. If they don't find a raw material of their liking, they prefer not to cook something on that day. Their alcoholic drinks are very good and in a very satisfactory viariety. I have tried ouzo, raki and wine, and although I drink a lot there is never a sign of a hangover on the next day. Price-wise, you will not exceed 20 euros per person even if you like your drinkies. The bill will come with a nice, home made dessert on the house. Tsipourito is a few minutes walk from Holargos metro station (blue line) which makes it just 15 minutes away from down town Athens.