Cha Cha Lounge
  • Cha Cha Lounge
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  • "Bar time" is apparently a timezone which exist...
    2014-10-03 00:00来自携程 网友
    "Bar time" is apparently a timezone which exists only at Cha Cha Lounge and represents 15 minutes of time travel into the future. Let me explain... A group of 4 friends and myself went downstairs t...
    "Bar time" is apparently a timezone which exists only at Cha Cha Lounge and represents 15 minutes of time travel into the future. Let me explain... A group of 4 friends and myself went downstairs to Cha Cha Lounge last night on a Wednesday night. We got there sat down and realized they were still in happy hour (which stated 4-8pm on the menu). We rushed to the bar as it was 7:48pm and wanted to get in a round while still on happy hour. When we got there I ordered a drink off the happy hour menu and the bartender told me a higher price. I asked if the drink was included in the happy hour menu, he said yes but happy hour has ended. I was a bit puzzled. I looked at my Android Wear watch, which syncs to my phone which gets its time from my cell provider, which gets the time from NIST-F1 atomic clock. So I KNEW when my watch said 7:48pm it was accurate and thus still within happy hour, but the bartender looked at me and said that, "bar time was after 8pm and it was no longer happy hour." What the hell is "bar time?" I told him I didn't want the drink and we would simply take out business elsewhere. He eventually said he would override the price and sell us our food and drinks at the happy hour price. Still... he shouldn't have to do that. If they advertise happy hour from 4-8pm, the computer should automatically put the happy hour price if a sale is made before 8pm. There is no such thing as "bar time."