Classic Secret Burger
Secret Burger*
Charred Broccoli
Pickled Verrill Farm Corn Pancakes
Creekstone Farms New York Strip*
Heirloom Eggs
在Waverly via Mt. Auburn乘坐73路可到达。
- They call it shared plates, but bring an eater ...
2017-07-16 00:00来自携程 网友 They call it shared plates, but bring an eater if you go that direction. Definitely try the crab, avocado toast and get come sweets as well. Pancakes are delicious! - 和马里兰城郊餐馆里的肥胖症大叔大妈形成了鲜明的对比。
2017-02-09 07:02minmax 装饰比较别致,里面的人,无论是顾客还是服务生都很有颜值哦。和马里兰城郊餐馆里的肥胖症大叔大妈形成了鲜明的对比。看来无论到哪里人都是分三六九等的 (-_-)。
食物一般吧,给五分了。 - 这个口感层次非常丰富,并且被多个饮食排行榜都定为美国最佳汉堡之一的“秘密汉堡”,每天只会限量供应
2015-10-26 15:51去哪儿用户 一家主打传统美国菜的餐厅,菜单上却也有着烟熏猪尾和炸兔肉等略古怪的菜,鸡尾酒名单上也有一个名叫“四川血玛莉酒”的诡异名字。不过让这家餐厅广为人知的菜要当数它家的“秘密汉堡”。这个口感层次非常丰富,...一家主打传统美国菜的餐厅,菜单上却也有着烟熏猪尾和炸兔肉等略古怪的菜,鸡尾酒名单上也有一个名叫“四川血玛莉酒”的诡异名字。不过让这家餐厅广为人知的菜要当数它家的“秘密汉堡”。这个口感层次非常丰富,并且被多个饮食排行榜都定为美国最佳汉堡之一的“秘密汉堡”,每天只会限量供应;若不能早来下单的话,能不能吃得上就只能靠缘分。
另外这家的甜品“巧克力烟熏面包布丁”,也是一道既有特色又最后食客青睐的菜之一。味道很特别,分量也不少。点一份让两个食量中等的人分着吃,应该还是会有点腻的。 2015-10-26 11:20去哪儿用户 这家的汉堡曾多次被评为美国最好吃的汉堡之一,口感很特别。每天限量供应,要吃的话记得要早点来。 - Exceeds the trendy hype. Start with two snacks ...
2015-08-28 00:00来自携程 网友 Exceeds the trendy hype. Start with two snacks (bruised tomato salad and string bean fritters), the share 3 entrees for a hearty meal. The corn pancakes were unreal. Super creative cocktails, too. 2015-03-05 00:00来自携程 网友 Ask them what to have. Have that. - Their "Secret" Burger is definitely overhyped. ...
2014-11-23 00:00来自携程 网友 Their "Secret" Burger is definitely overhyped. Bartley's has better burgers. The food was very interesting, a wide range of unexpected combos, like popcorn and pancakes. Overall, great ambiance! 2014-11-22 00:00来自携程 网友 Kale salad 2019-04-20 17:42来自携程 网友 服务很好,记得要给百分之十五左右的小费, - Innovative cocktails and great ambiance. Brunch...
2017-06-18 00:00来自携程 网友 Innovative cocktails and great ambiance. Brunch was great, shared 3 plates between 2 people